Are RSVP cards necessary with wedding invitations?

Are RSVP cards necessary with wedding invitations?

Debating whether it’s absolutely necessary to send out RSVP cards with wedding invitations? Perhaps you have grandparents or parents that love the traditional approach, but you think it’s an unnecessary added extra? Or you can’t decide whether to use RSVP cards or a wedding website to collect your replies… In this blog post I discuss the pros and cons and whether RSVP are necessary with your wedding invitations.


Are RSVP Cards Necessary? The Benefits…

Some may say, technology and the internet has moved on, and traditional RSVP cards are a thing of the past, but there are still lots of great benefits to sending out RSVP cards with your invitations.


1. RSVP cards are accessible to everyone, including people that are not confident using mobile phones and the internet. QR codes and wedding websites are a modern popular alternative, but not all guests will be confident scanning a QR code and visiting your wedding website.


Moroccan inspired RSVP card for wedding

RSVP card with QR code and Moroccan inspired illustrations. 

2. RSVP cards are easy for guests to understand. A common bugbear among couples is chasing up replies from guests. If you make it as easy as possible for people to reply, you will get quicker responses. RSVP cards are a clear and straightforward way for guests to respond. They know what they need to do with the card - tick the relevant boxes and post the card back to you…


3. A classic wedding tradition. Whether you prefer traditional wedding etiquette or favour a more formal touch, there is no escaping the fact that embracing wedding traditions can add depth and meaning to your big day, honouring cultural or family heritage. Traditions also provide structure, using tried and tested processes which helps to make wedding planning that little bit smoother.


4. RSVP cards are fully customisable. Forming part of you stationery suite, RSVP card designs can be just as beautiful as your main invitations. They can be printed with florals and colours to match your wedding theme, decorated with illustrations that are personal to you or perhaps include a custom crest, pet portrait or your wedding venue illustration.


Peaches and Cream Wedding Invitation Set

Peach and Cream Wedding Invitation Set including custom RSVP card. 

5. RSVP cards can contain additional details. As well as being a tool for guests to confirm their attendance, you can also include extra info such as meal choices, song requests and transportation needs.


6. A tangible reminder - printed with a date to reply by and often pinned to fridges and notice boards, RSVP cards give guests a clear date in which they should respond to your invitation, and are a physical reminder of the action they should take.


Are RSVP Cards Necessary? The Disadvantages…


1. RSVP cards can be time consuming. One of the things most likely to stress you out during wedding planning is a lack of time to plan your big day. Traditional RSVP cards do require collating, organising and tracking, which is adding to your list of things to do. Recruiting help from a trusted member in the bridal party or perhaps the mother of the bride / groom is a great way to help keep wedding planning on track!



2. RSVP cards add to your wedding package and therefore increase the cost. Printing, postage and return postage will add to your overall wedding stationery budget. Some great ways of keeping the cost down are to use smaller RSVP cards and envelopes or to use a postcard style, which is just one piece of card and doesn’t require an envelope.


3. Lost cards - RSVP cards can easily be lost or misplaced leading to confusion or incomplete guest lists.


4. Environmental impact of RSVP cards. Printing extra card inserts and the process of mailing them makes them less eco-friendly than online options. If you are considering the eco implications of your wedding but would still really like RSVP cards, you could request recycled card stock and envelopes, or the RSVP could be a perforated section that tears off from your details card or folded invitation.


Are RSVP Cards Necessary? Alternatives to the Traditional RSVP Card…

As technology, the internet and world has advanced, there are now several great alternatives to the traditional RSVP card.


1. QR Code cards - Lots of couples now choose a small card that is beautifully decorated to match their invitation suite and printed with a QR code that directs guests to their wedding website.


Lavender Bloom Wedding Invitation Set with RSVP card

Lavender Bloom wedding invitation set with RSVP card. 


2. Print digital instructions on your details card - Some of my clients also choose to print RSVP instructions on details cards, rather than a separate dedicated RSVP card. This is usually a couple of lines with the date to reply by and how to reply which is usually an email address or wedding website. If you are collecting RSVPs by email, it’s best to set up a dedicated wedding email address to keep all correspondence in one place and keep wedding and personal emails separate. If you are having a wedding website with an online RSVP form, this allows guests to quickly respond, update details, and even leave comments. This is cost-effective, easier on the environment and easy for you to track.


3. Folded invitations with RSVP - One of my best sellers, folded invitations have space on the inner side panels for your RSVP information. There is room to print your wedding website or a QR code which is clear and easy for guests to read and understand.


Folded Safari Wedding Invitation
Folded Safari Wedding Invitation with wedding details inside. 

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